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How to Write a Scholarship Motivation Letter (5 Examples)

 When applying for a scholarship, your motivation letter is what sets you apart from the crowd. A strong motivation letter not only helped us earn scholarships (academic and professional practice), but it also helped us land jobs with significant corporations. Now we'll go over all you need to know about creating a scholarship motivation letter. We will teach you how to create your own template so that you can apply to many calls and increase your chances of receiving international scholarships.

How to Write a Scholarship Motivation Letter (5 Examples)

Your academic achievements should be mentioned in your scholarship motivation letter. It should explain why you are the best candidate. How do your expertise and skills benefit the university or the country? You should demonstrate a desire to learn and share fresh knowledge.

This is not to say that academic excellence, experience, and recognition are unimportant and that having an appealing and concise motivation letter will be enough to receive the grant. Your achievements and skills qualify you for the scholarship, and the motivation letter will help you excel as indicated.

Before You Begin Writing Your Scholarship Motivation Letter

Investigate the institution and nation to which you wish to travel and study. What kind of person is the institution or scholarship provider looking for? Examine its official page, particularly the sections About, Our Culture, and Philosophy, and examine the institution. Do they place a higher priority on leadership or teamwork? Are they socially responsible and environmentally conscious? What is the function of ethics? Or are they more concerned with numbers and real outcomes?

This study will not only help you construct your motivation letter based on the institution's interests, but it will also help you determine whether or not this opportunity is a good fit for you.

Strategy 1: Examine the institutions' Mission and Vision statements, as well as faculty member profiles. Use synonyms for the words in their motivation letter.

Strategy 2: Look at the part of testimonials from students (scholars or not) or staff of the institution. They occasionally have official films, and what they say might assist you examine and determine if you like the program before addressing your motivation letter accordingly.

How to Write a Winning Scholarship Motivation Letter

Now that you've completed the necessary research, it's time to craft an effective scholarship motivation letter. The following points must be included in the motivation letter:

(1) Header and title:

Title: "Letter of Motivation for [Scholarship Application]"


  • Full name
  • Address + postal code
  • Phone
  • e-mail
  • Optional: Skype and social networks
  • Header position : I recommend upper right but upper left can also be.

(2) First and foremost,

Begin with a polite greeting and then get right to the point by mentioning the reason for this letter. "Through this, I hope to... apply for the scholarship... published in.... " Also, please explain briefly why you are applying for this scholarship and what drew you to the program. You can write clearly about what you admire about the institution and/or nation to which you are applying for a scholarship in this manner. Finally, don't forget to include your goal and how it ties to the goals of the school to which you're applying. "... I've been yearning for overseas experience for... years." And I am confident that the institution's study program X will assist me.... "

(3) Who are you?

This is the second paragraph of your motivation letter, and you should write:

  • Your academic accomplishments.
  • What makes you the best candidate?
Tip: Whatever your accomplishments have been, write them down in a way that highlights the value they provide to the institution or country to which you are applying.

(4) How do you contribute?

As much as you desire to learn and travel, how do your skills and abilities benefit the university or country? You can include things like "improve my colleagues' awareness of my nation, participate in sports or arts activities, and so on."

(5) Show in advance that you know who you are addressing (institution and/or country):

You said it in the opening, but you must elaborate on your motivation here. According to past research: Why does the program matter so much to you? How will the institution's and country's research initiatives and facilities assist you reach your objectives?

(6) Finally, you and I both know you want to achieve this; now prove it! Demonstrate your drive to learn and provide new information. Here are phrases like "I am really motivated by..." "It would be an honor and the start of a long journey..." and so on.

(7) Acknowledgements and dismissal:

Again, time is really essential, so we must appreciate the reader for their time and express how much you are looking forward to working with them. Finish with "Cordially" or "Cordial Greetings."

Scholarship Motivation Letter Template

I understand that you want to apply for multiple scholarships, but you do not need to create a distinct motivation letter for each one. Create a template that allows you to customize the information based on the situation. But how do you go about doing this? After completing the previous section's seven stages, you will have a template that you may change to match your motivation letter to the scholarship you wish to apply for. I have, however, included a motivation letter template below.

Your Street Address
City, State, Zip CodeDate of Letter
Use complete title and address.Contact Name
Contact Title
Company Name
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Address to a particular person if possible and remember to use a colonDear _________:


Opening paragraph: Explain why you're writing, the job or sort of employment you're interested in, and, if applicable, how you learned about the person or organization.

Make the addressee want to read your resume. Be brief, but specific.Middle paragraph(s): Explain why you're interested in this employer and why you want to work in this field. If you have relevant education or professional experience, make sure to highlight it with one or two essential instances; nevertheless, do not repeat your entire resume. Emphasize job-related talents or abilities. Remember that the reader will see your letter as an example of your writing skills, so do it confidently.
Ask for a meeting and remember to follow up.Closing paragraph: Reiterate your interest in the post and your want to contribute to the organization's activities. Thank the reader for taking the time to examine your application, and conclude by adding that you look forward to the opportunity to discuss the position further.
Always sign


Your name typed

Writing a Fantastic Motivation Letter for a Scholarship

Structured: If your thoughts are unclear and the letter lacks a natural flow of reading, the examiners will find it difficult to continue reading. Determine your strengths and demonstrate them in a concrete and consistent manner with the program to which you are applying. Create sentences that are compelling and result-oriented.

Clear: Avoid difficult vocabulary and divide paragraphs by the sections about which you speak.

Short: If you are clear, you do not need to go beyond one page. In fact, meeting this condition is frequently required for the motivation letter. If not, a page and a half will suffice... Remember that time is the most valuable resource we all have, even those that review your application.

Unless otherwise stated, you must save and deliver it as a PDF document, even if you compose it in Word.

Formal: The letter should be formal, but it doesn't mean you have to write things you can't even pronounce; be practical and be yourself.

Remember the application deadline and don't miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime.

Remember to check your spelling and writing. If you're not very good at it, someone in your family or a good friend can assist you... My spelling has been bad since elementary school, but I've had to put the batteries back in.

The correct title is: Also, make certain that it is addressed to the appropriate person... I'm looking for work, and as part of my efforts, I wrote a letter of inspiration to a company with the title sent to someone else. Hahahaha! That is extremely embarrassing and unprofessional, and it should never have happened to you.

Language: If you apply in another language, make sure you use it correctly in your writing and translation.

Common Errors to Avoid When Writing a Scholarship Motivation Letter

As previously said, the motivation letter is the most significant document when applying for a scholarship in another nation. Furthermore, a well-written motivation letter makes it easier to find work and even volunteer opportunities.

However, the scholarship motivation letter is more than just expressing your desire for new chances; it is also about arguing why you should be chosen above the other extremely talented candidates.

(1) Fewer words, more facts

It is simple to explain your desire to travel or study in a specific nation, but it is more challenging to express why they should choose you. Many of us want to travel, broaden our worldview, learn new languages, and improve our quality of life, but what should you do to be worthy of that prize?

It starts to replace statements like "my dream has always been xyz" because "my successes have been..." with "I believe I am the best candidate because..." and/or "my work is distinguished by..." Remember that the award does not belong to the person who wants it the most, but to the person who accurately demonstrates that they deserve it.

(2) Take Charge and Demonstrate In-Depth Knowledge

In the above phrase, I do not mean that your requests are ignored. These are crucial to the extent that they demonstrate that you properly understand what you want and why you deserve it. As an example, I'd like to share you an excerpt from one of the scholarship motivation letters that I just corrected:

"What particularly drew me to the program is the broad range of abilities that can be developed, the caliber of the instructors, and the internship program; all of these factors will allow me to compete for diverse job prospects..."

In this case, the candidate is sticking to the fundamentals. Because knowledge = motivation, underlined words can be explained to demonstrate ownership and mastery of the issue. As an alternative, consider:

"What drew me to the Modern Art program was the opportunity to specialize in lighting and sound, as well as the teaching staff, which includes world-renowned experts." Another reason I choose this degree is the possibility to have direct contact with exhibitions in one of the world's capitals of modern art via the professional practices offered in the final semester."

Another idea I have for demonstrating expertise is to substitute terms like 'I believe' with 'I know' or 'I'm certain that...'

(3) What you will do for them is more important.

That your motivations should go beyond the convenience of living in a developed country. Study scholarship providers anticipate that you will be truly interested in the study program and the good impact that you will make with what you learn. To be more specific, they don't care if you feel safer, happier, richer, or healthier living in the country providing the scholarship. What they want to know is how you're going to repay society for the investment they're making in you. Tranquil! They are not interested in money.

Consider your contribution in terms of cultural exchange, what you can teach other students or teachers, extracurricular clubs you may join, and other cooperative projects you have in mind.

Tip: If the scholarship requires you to return to your country of origin after completing the study program, it is critical that you explain how you intend to utilize what you hope to learn in your home country.

(4) The rules are the rules.

Finally, keep the motivation letter to what it is and what they ask of you. If they say one sheet, send one sheet. Please do not anticipate the scholarship giver to waive some of the requirements for the motivation letter. If they ask for an IELTS band 7, give them a 7 rather than a 6.5; the same goes for recognized job experience: two years are 24 months rather than 22 and a half, and so on. However, it is preferable to demonstrate that you deserve the scholarship rather than convincing them that you worked hard but were unable to complete the other conditions. If you do not meet all of the standards, allow yourself some breathing room because there are always fresh application deadlines and scholarship options.

Scholarship Motivation Letter Examples

cytravels.com has prepared a selection of scholarship motivation letter samples from the world's best university websites. We hope that this list will assist you in creating an effective and winning scholarship motivation letter.

It's now your time!

I hope these suggestions and examples will assist you in writing an effective Motivation Letter for Scholarship and winning scholarships. If you have any tips that have worked for you, please share them in the comments area.

Thank you for reading, and best wishes for your future endeavors!

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